In the latest Festival event news, we're delighted to announce the addition of Pottering About to our hands-on workshop programme. If you've ever wanted to try your hand at decorating pottery, here's your chance! Come along to the Faringdon Arts Festival on Saturday July 7th and paint some lovely pottery with Pottering About.
Here's what Pottering About's head honcho, the lovely Katy Gorman, has to say about what she'll be up to on Saturday:
"We'll have lots of practical table ware e.g. mugs, plates and bowls, which we take back to our workshop to glaze and fire for you, plus ornaments and figurines for you to paint and take away on the day. Pottery painting is great fun for both children and adults and the finished results make perfect presents. We'll also be doing baby's footprints on pottery so there's something for the whole family!"
Prices from £5 and up. Just come along and find us on the day or contact Katy at Pottering About on 07710 347920 or visit for more information.

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